Got Engaged? Here are Your Next Seven Steps!

The question was asked, you said yes and now you are engaged! It is not a shock or surprise if you are unsure what to do next, as many people are. Getting engaged, however, is only the first step of walking towards that big day otherwise known as getting married. Not sure of what to do next?

Let Staten Island Weddings provide you with some tips on what to do next:

1. Call your Relatives

Yes, even the relatives that you barely speak with on a daily. After all, if you intend to have a wedding with many guests they will probably end up on the guest list. The Save the Date cards you send out should not be a shock and surprise to guests you intend to invite, even for your second cousin twice removed. Share your news with the world about your upcoming Staten Island wedding.

2. Ring not fitting quite right?

Get your ring resized. You are going to be showing it off to everyone who you tell the news, so why not make your new stunning sparkler fit those soon to be sparkling fingers. This process may take a couple of hours or up to a day. But it will be worth it to have made to fit your size until you get your wedding bands on the day of your Staten Island wedding.

3. Most important step – Set a date!

You cannot plan the wedding if you do not select a date. Whether you are planning a soon off-the-cuff Staten Island wedding or want to save up and go for a more glamorous shindig, the planning all starts when that special date is set in stone and chosen.

4. Make Yourself a Wedding Planner

Create your own binder separated by important tasks that need to be accomplished before the momentous wedding day. The size of the binder you make will decide on the size of wedding you plan to have. Make your life easier by using this tool wisely. If you are a visual person, this will make planning each step much smoother and clearer for your Staten Island wedding.

5. Consider getting a Wedding Coordinator

Review all of the elements of your wedding that will take extra time and care and decide whether or not a wedding coordinator is a right option for you. A wedding coordinator will cost more money, so evaluate if this is the best option for you.

6. Start a Wedding Savings Account

Even a simple small wedding costs a considerable amount of money. Thus, putting money each week towards your wedding will help you rely less on credit cards to front the cost. Deposit an amount of your choosing every week from your paycheck that will go towards wedding costs only.

7. Last but not Least – Plan the Ideal Guest List

You may want to consult your parents on this one. Assess who of your friends and family, and coworkers that you want to attend you saying those ‘I dos’ and dancing the night away at your reception. Start with a preliminary list to get a general idea of who you want to be present at your Staten Island wedding.

About Staten Island Weddings

Staten Island Weddings is a resource available online and on Staten Island that can help brides and couples plan their special day.

Contact us today to make your Staten Island wedding dream come true! (718) 720-0900

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