Staten Island Spring Wedding Tips

Spring is often associated with many things, flowers blooming, chirping birds, sunny days and spring weddings. There are many perks to the great outdoors in the spring and summer. More daylight hours equals more opportunities for beautiful photos. If you are looking to plan your Staten Island wedding in the spring, you should consider going over these aspects beforehand.

Outdoor Lighting

Spring and summer mean that there are more hours of daylight which can work to your benefit depending on the temperature. You will want to choose the hours of your ceremony or reception carefully if you plan to host your spring wedding outside. Also, consider scheduling to take some photos during sunset. This time would make for many gorgeous shots.

April Showers

The spring season is customarily known for having many rainy days. Prepare for the chance of rain by contacting a party rental place to have tents or canopies available in case rain showers do occur. You and your wedding party want to make it through pictures and your celebration without being soaked. Also, you may consider buying an assortment of umbrellas to keep on hand in case the rain lasts throughout the day and night.

Take Care of Your Guests

If the weather is scorching, consider asking your catering company or bartending team if they can pass out water before or during your ceremony if a guest requests. You want to keep your guests healthy and perked up for the day and night to come.

Wedding Cake

Do not be afraid to include some zesty flavors for spring. Feel free to go away from the traditional and include some lemon zest or orange to spice up your special day!

Bouquet Colors

Make your flowers and accessories light and bright as the sun outside! This is the time to choose all of the light, pastel-like colors you may have been waiting to try.

Use our tips to plan your wedding with some style and edge!

About Staten Island Weddings

Staten Island Weddings is a wedding resource operating on Staten Island and available online. We can help you to plan your wedding with style and grace and even help you find other vendors to work with as well.

Call us today to start planning your Staten Island wedding (718) 720-0900

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